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How can a Pitta-Kapha person be slim?

Reply to question: how can a Pitta-Kapha person be slim?

We often make a mistake of making a direct correlation Dosha-symptoms, falling into the 'modern medicine' diagnostic method of treating symptoms, not the root cause.

First of all, instead of thinking about the Doshas, let's think about the elements. Within us, we have all the elements, in equal measure or in different measures, but they are all present.

What is balance? Balance is when this combination of elements unique to the individual is maintained as it was at the time of conceptions {prakrti}. 
Balance means that the elements are in harmony, they live together in different combination and they are balanced with each other.

Moving on to the Dosha (combination of elements). When in balance the Dosha have very positive attributes and characteristics. 
An example of Kapha prakrti they are generally beautiful and have abundant thick lustrous hair. 
They do have the tendency of putting on weight (when out of balance), this doesn’t mean they are necessary over-weight.

When there is more than one dominant Dosha, there will be present characteristics of both Doshas that stands out, but we mustn’t forget the other Dosha is still present too.

When we try to identify the Dosha with the symptoms (overweight), we are using a ‘treating the symptoms approach, not an Ayurvedic one. If we think excess weight is equal to Kapha imbalance we make a direct connection (labeling) Kapha imbalance= excess weight and vice versa.

This is a mistake I made many times at the beginning, still using the mentality of labeling symptoms, a typical diagnostic approach of modern medicine.

Let’s just look back at the Doshas:

1. Vata Dosha -- Energy associated with motion.
When In balance: creativity and vitality, etc..
Out of balance: fear, worry, and anxiety for example.

2. Pitta Dosha -- Energy associated with heat, etc.
In balance: Leadership, contentment, and intelligence.
Out of balance: Manipulation, sharp, etc.

3. Kapha Dosha -- Energy associated with growth for example.
In balance: Expressed as love and forgiveness.
Out of balance: Dull, indifference, overweight.

Each person has all three Doshas, but usually one or two dominate.

The main Dosha {Doshas} will reflect the main energies and qualities within the individual and their tendency to either health or disease. Mix Dosha Prakrti, doesn’t necessary means better or worse health.
However, the dominant Doshas will influence strongly how to balance the imbalances, because the most dominant Dosha will have the strongest pull, including the strongest tendency to go out of balance.

The same disease may be caused by different Doshas, to determine the root cause of diseases, we cannot make a direct relation symptoms-cause, but a deeper and holistic analysis. This is how Ayurveda differ from Modern Medicine.

The other mistake easily one can make is to consider a Dosha low, hence we need to bring it back up. However, in Ayurveda, we consider primarily cause of disease, too high or aggravated dosha. Low Doshas are not thought to possess the strength to cause disease, however, they too have symptoms.
Low Vata, resemble high Kapha, for example. 
Pitta when low resemble both high Vata and High Kapha. 
Kapha when low, resemble high Vata. 
Just as an example being overweight could be as much as high Kapha, low Vata or even low Pitta.
If you like a good read, the book “Ayurvedic Healing, a comprehensive guide” by Dr. David Frawley explains quite well these points.

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