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Ayurveda and emotions during lock down

Have you noticed that people are getting more agitated, restless, even rude?Do you feel restless, maybe bored or extremely busy (yes the opposite!).
Well Ayurveda can explain this.

What is happening is an excess of Pitta.

The lock down is restricting our feedom, we feel trapped even if we agree with the lock down measures. We might feel desempowered, we cannot make our own choices on what to do and when. With the good weather, you would have probably organised to meet with friend for a BBQ, or go to the holiday home, visiting family, etc.

Even if your logic understand the situation, you emotion don’t and this imbalance can cause an increase of frustration, heat in the body, heat in the mind which Ayurveda call Pitta.

What is Pitta?

Pittta is one of the 3 doshas in Ayurveda, which are the energy behind a personality and behaviour, including tendency to diseases.

Pitta is associated with heat and any of its characteristics: like hot, spreading and sharp.

When we look a emotions and behaviour, we can see this qualities too.

When you have a fire in a contained space, it explode! That is what is happening with the lock down. Espeically if you are a Pitta person already, you will feel the angrer, heat and intollerance growing.

You might feel difficult to sleep, with the tendency to stay up late.

You are probably passionate and you take things at heart, more so now, don’’t let it excalate and take time to be more objective.

Your mind is on the go the minute you wake up. The excessive heat and use of the mind, can also bring headaches. Ayurvedic remedy for headaches s to have fresh ginger juice to abort headaches before they start or eat 5 leaves of Feverfew.

Like the fire spread, the excessive Pitta (angry) beaviour spread too, affecting others. Stop it spreading, notice your behaviour and that of the people around you.

So, what can you do?

Understnading what is happening with your emotions, is already the first steps to bring them back to balance.

In ayurveda opposite qualities, are pacifying, lets bring this fire back to normal.

Stay in cool places, going for walks in green spaces, socialise as much as you can (without breaking the distancing rules of course) can all help.

Limit your screen time and really take care of your eyes by taking a break every 20 minutes, do some eyes excercises or have your eyes closed for few minutes (you can use a cool lavender eye pillow too).

Notice what makes you angry or agitated and avoid that situation. Look for the opposite, for what makes happy and relaxed (I am not talking about chocolate and wine!)

If you have upset few people (or yourself) lately, take your time before engaging in a passionate conversation, let the heat of the moment cool down.

Wear cool colors (blue, green) and eat cooling food like watermelon and cool drinks like lime water.

On another note, today is New Moon, this is the time we can feel more unstable. Time to stop, breath and meditate.

This too shall pass!
