The Balanced Yoga (TBY)

Ayurveda, Postural Yoga - Massage Therapy - Yoga therapy - Chakra and Kundalini Yoga - Hatha Yoga - Sound Healing - Massage Therapy.

Yoga, Ayurveda and Holistic therapies have helped many people with various conditions such as chronic back pain, scoliosis, herniated disk, cancer, recovery post surgery, post-viral recovery, fatigue, stress, depression, ante-natal, post-natal, hormonal diet and nutrition, etc.

TBY offer a comprehensive holistic health management based on eastern medicine, Herbalist, ancient and modern science and Vedic Traditions..


Yoga Classes are at The Balanced Yoga Private Studio in Onslow Village - Guildford - Max capacity of 5 people.

Online AND In person Classes


Live Online Classes might be cancelled if internet connection is not good or any other reasons out of our control, and a recorded class will be offered.

Monday 9:30am (min. 2 persons)

Thursday 2pm (min. 2 persons)

Yoga Therapy for healthy back: postural yoga and has a strong focus on alignment, mobility and strength. Props like chair, Block and bolster (or folded blanket) are recommended for those joining online.

Equipment for online yoga:

Non-Slip Yoga Mat, Chair, Bolster or firm pillows, Folded towels, blocks (2 inverted cooking pans same size or books/bricks), Belt or scarf.


Private sessions (one-to-one) are the recommended option to address specific need or when one would like full undivided attention. Private session are also available for family group or friends.

I offer two type of classes:

Yoga: this is like a normal yoga class but with just you as student. There is time for question, specific practices for a goal or need and the use of all specialized equipment to help with quicker progress and full immersion into the practice. Pranayam, Yoga, relaxation, Yoga nidra and even Sound bath and chakra healing.

Remedial Yoga Therapy: This class has specific therapeutic aspects, targeting problem/issue or injury for faster recovery and healing. The class need more time and is offered as a 90 minutes class, however there is an option of regular weekly remedial/therapy class of 60 minutes. You will receive a recording and suggestion for home practice.


Please consult with your doctor before embarking on any exercise, Yoga, treatment/massage or Ayurvedic program. All information in this website is for educational use and students/individuals practicing what is in the content of this website, do so at own risk. Please read full Terms and Private policy, link at the bottom of the page.


I offer support and mentorship if you would like to dive deeper into learning Yoga, Ayurveda, Qigong, Massage Therapy, Sound Healing and Reiki.

Please book a private 90 MINUTES one to one , or contact me with an email.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, please let me know as I will try my best to help.