Find Your Winter Radiance

Discover the secret to unleashing your inner winter radiance and embrace the beauty of the chilly season. With our expert ayurvedic tips and rituals, you'll be glowing from within, even on the coldest of days.

We are quickly moving to colder weather characterized by shorter days, windy and wet weather, and beautiful autumn colours.

In Ayurveda there are rituals to help the transition for each season, in particular this Autumn’s rituals to prevent winter colds and also winter blues.

Autumn (UK) is mostly dominated by elements of air, water, and space. The qualities that characterize this time of year are like those of Vata/Kapha: cold, wet and dry, light/heavy, and quick-moving and changing.

Positive qualities of a Vata dosha include:

·         Creativity

·         High energy

·         Enthusiasm

·         High degree of tolerance

·         Positivity

During autumn, everyone is more susceptible to a Vata imbalance—even if your predominant dosha is not Vata. Signs of excess, imbalanced Vata dosha can include:

·         Anxiety

·         Poor ability to focus or commit

·         Insomnia

·         Gas and bloating

·         Rapid changes in weight

·         moody  

The heat of the summer season combined with the Autumn qualities, will creates an imbalance that may manifest with excessive mucus (therefor colds, flu, and respiratory illnesses).

We want to nourish more of the positive characteristics of this season and to do that it is important to follow seasonal changes. - You can read more about Ayurvedic advice for Autumn here.

Here are 5 way to find your Winter radiance.

Radiance is our shine—our inner light. It's what attracts opportunity and prosperity into our lives.

CONQUER THE MORNING – Set the tone for the day

The way we wake up can set a tremendous tone for the day. Pay special attention to the first minute. Don’t go for the phone or tablet, instead keep your eye closed and observe how you woke up (emotions, body feeling, feeling rested or tiered,, etc.). This is a good time for self-healing by warming up your palm and cover your eye for few moments breathing deeply. You can also give yourself some Reiki or self-massage. Affirmation that one might use: "Today will be radiant", "I am so grateful for this life," or even "I am, I am," - a phrase to link the finite and infinite parts of you together.  Set a tone for your day of success, victory, and sovereignty and you will inherently become more radiant. 


The way and what you dress has an influence on you. Choose clothing suitable for the season, layers, and something waterproof for the unpredictable weather. Choose color that goes with the season, this too have an energetic influence as well as changing how you feel with them on.

For example:

Yellow for self-confidence or to get rid of solitude.

Orange for creativity and joy

Red for love and assertiveness

Brown for strength and stability

Wear something special, maybe a piece of jewelry or crystal. Notice how these changes affect you.


Tap into the healing energy of nature. Observe the changes typical of autumn, leaves turning red, the smell of humidity and mushrooms, the sound of rain and water, etc. Walking meditation is about awareness of your surrounding and the beauty in nature. Its free, its available 24/7 and it is highly nourishing. This is an easy form of meditation.


This is a good time for an Ayurvedic cleanse or light detox.  Cultivate a new relation with food that is for nourishment not for indulgence and overeating. Find food that bring comfort because they are healthy and leave you light after heating. You feel sleepy or tiered after eating, when food is not fulfilling what the body (and mind) needs. Try adding cleansing food, like stewed apples or carrot and pumpkin soup and drink herbal teas to allow your body to remove any excess mucus and imbalance. This "heavenly" chai is a staple in our home across winter and, a good kitchari recipe can go a long way this week. You can read more on Ayurveda diet here.


In Kundalini yoga it's taught that we have 10 bodies., one is called the Radiant Body. The radiant body is said to give us spiritual royalty and radiance, connecting with courage, invincibility, and fearlessness. The easiest way to strengthen this body is to practice yoga and mantra meditation. Join my full moon Gong Bath Bath where I use specific instruments, intention and mantra based on Ayurvedic Astrology.  This November you can also practice yoga and qigong with me in person or Online

May you be Radiant, healthy and invincible this Winter.